
Group Exhibition


January 7 - February 5, 2000

Opening Reception: Friday, January 7, 2000,  6:00 – 8:00pm

The term hybrid, defined as anything derived from unlike sources or composed of disparate elements, describes the states of being and artistic intent of the artists in Hybrid, curated by Emily Ching.  As many of us live within the cross-sections of diverse cultures, ethnicities, and/or communities, Hybrid addresses how individuals perceive and respond to notions of hybridity, and, conversely, to purity. Hybrid also looks at the continually evolving meaning of hybrid-ness. The collection of works presented in Hybrid serves to create a visual dialogue that is both dynamic and provocative. The work illustrates fluidity between genres, while honestly investigating the properties of the chosen materials, and their theoretical approaches to notions of hybridity.