NPR Monthly Broadcast RC04: Indecency

Neighborhood Public Radio

NPR Monthly Broadcast RC04: Indecency

Three years after Neighborhood Public Radio's first celebration of the famous moment of indecent exposure, Janet Jackson revealing her breast, they bring back the Indecency broadcast. From 1:00 to 5:00 PM Scarlot Harlot and a host of artists and activists for sex workers and indecent minds throughout the Bay Area will talk about all the things the FCC thinks you shouldn't be talking about in public. For more information visit


1:00 – 3:00 PM: Scarlot Harlot and guests
3:00 – 3:30 PM: Frank Prattle and the Clarion Mural Project
What is considered proper and what is indecent when it comes to the appearance of your city? What does the perfect city look like? Is it scrubbed clean and shining without a scrap of trash or color? Or is it layered with the dynamic work of some of San Francisco's finest artists? Do you side with city council and it's felony charges against street art? Or do you believe that a city's walls should reflect it's diverse and beautiful people?
3:30 – 4:00 PM: Political Circus
Political Circus discussion of how the right wing has tried to claim a monopoly on "decency" with their Christian Family Values. That, and showing how hypocritical they are, considering how so many of them have been indicted and otherwise exposed for the shams and con men they are.
4:00 – 4:30 PM: Bryson, Linda and Kalie
Social mores change across time and culture.In this program we explore some of Brysons favorite stories, listen to some subversive music and take a trip in the Way-Back™ machine. Plus Linda and Kalie go out on the street.
4:30 – 5:00 PM: Dee Dee Russel

To listen, tune in at 88.9 FM or through the internet at