Social Construction/Cross Cuts

Published by Southern Exposure, San Francisco. Designed by Zaldy Serrano. The catalog includes essays by Abner Nolan, Scott Snibbe and Cross Cuts Curators (Lee Campbell, Abril Castro, Kristen Evangelista, Abner Nolan, Kristen VanDeventer).

Social Construction features works in which the finished piece is substantially or entirely created by other organisms, highlighting the interdependence of artist, medium and society. Curated by Abner Nolan and Scott Snibbe, the exhibition features work by Barbara Bartos, c a l c (tOmi Scheiderbauer, Teresa Alonso Novo, Luks Brunner and Malex Spiegel) in close collaboration with Johannes Gees, John Knuth, Vitaly Komar (former Komar & Melamid Art Studio), Leah Modigliani, Philip Ross, and Lee Walton. Cross Cuts is a presentation of a five weeklong video program surveying cutting-edge contemporary video art from Chicago, San Francisco, South Florida, Tijuana, and the United Kingdom.

Publication date: 

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Publication writer(s): 

Abner Nolan
Scott Snibbe
Cross Cuts Curators

Publication designer(s): 

Zaldy Serrano

Publication publisher(s): 

Southern Exposure

Publication price: 


Publication page count: 


Publication dimensions: 

8.5 x 5.5 inches

Publication project reference: