Common Field Receives Andy Warhol Foundation Grant

Common Field Receives Andy Warhol Foundation Grant

Common Field is the recipient of a $300,000 two-year grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, which Joel Wach’s, foundation president, noted as “one of its most significant new projects.”[1] The grant will support the launch of a networking website in early 2015, national meetings, field research and the development of resources for Common Field members.

Common Field is a network of artists and arts organizers working to amplify the visibility and viability of artist projects in the United States and beyond. Common Field’s mission is to connect “independent arts organizations and organizers, artists and curators, and others with a grassroots ethos to advance the field of artist projects and spaces.”

Southern Exposure's Executive Director, Courtney Fink, is one of Common Field's founding members, along with Elizabeth Chodos of Ox-Bow in Saugatuck, Michigan, Nat May of SPACE Gallery in Portland, Maine, Abigail Satinsky and Shannon Stratton of Threewalls in Chicago and Stephanie Sherman of Elsewhere in Greensboro, NC.


[1] Ted Loos, “For Warhol, ’15 Brings More Fame,” The New York Times. January 4, 2015.