Spring 2014 Youth Advisory Board

Artists in Education Program

Spring 2014 Youth Advisory Board

Lead Teaching Artist: Lauren Marie Taylor
Assistant Teaching Artist: Karen Zinkofsky
YAB Student Artists: Jeffrey, Matthew, Kevin, Pheonyx, Erika, Isaiah, Lori, Joel, Marcus, Kevin, Mario

This spring, the Youth Advisory Board looks to the future. Inspired by Carl Sagan's 1974 Arecibo message to space, the student artists consider what it means to be a teen in San Francisco in 2014. Asking themselves, “What is worth preserving and documenting through art?” they sharing their perspectives and lives with teens of the future, be they human or extra terrestrial.

The Youth Advisory Board (YAB) meets bi-weekly to explore relevant issues through analytical conversations, media explorations and collaborative art production. The Youth Advisory Board is a youth-driven after-school program where students, ages 12 to 21, collaborate with professional artists to produce art exhibitions at SoEx for the community.